Vlad Chiriches Rams 100mph Clearance Directly Into Dorin Goian’s Face From Point-Blank Range (Video)

Chris Wright

7th, October 2014


By Chris Wright

With his fondness for a last-ditch defensive meltdown every once in a while, Vlad Chiriches has cultivated himself a bit of a reputation as an error-prone loose cannon at Tottenham.

Here is, reinforcing his image by almost turning Romanian teammate Dorin Goian’s face into an “innie” by twatting (if you’ll excuse the technical jargon) a rocket-propelled clearance directly into his cranium at point-blank range during a training game last night…

FAZA HORROR la antrenamentul nationalei! Chiriches a fost la un pas sa-l trimita direct la SPITAL pe Goian, jucatorii s-au speriat pe www.sport.ro

That noise. That horrible, sharp, compressed noise of leather hitting flesh at 100mph. It’s enough to make you wince.

The translation is a little vague, but it seems Goian may have been taken to hospital for precautionary tests after finally recovering his senses.

Hospital or not, it definitely looked like it stung a bit.

(Via @Emishor)