Do you have an overwhelming urge to slap Joey Barton this morning?


4th, December 2007


If you answered no then you obviously didn’t see BBC’s Inside Sport last night. If you answered yes then please form an orderly queue. Self-centred doesn’t cover it. Gabby Logan could have asked him what he had for breakfast and the answer would have been along the lines of: “Well, when you’re me there is no point saying what you have had for breakfast because people have already made there minds up what food I eat.”
Sample ego quote: “I used to sit in school and look at the other kids and think ‘these aren’t the same as me’. And I even look at people today and think ‘They’re not the same’. And I don’t know what it is. I almost felt like I had a higher calling, you know, there was some reason. And I thought it was football but the more and more I play football, the more and more I think it’s not football. I don’t know what it is, and until this day I still haven’t got my finger on it.”
Click continue to watch the interview (or as much as you can take of it).

Posted in Newcastle Utd

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  1. xorg says:

    Guess why I deliberately didn’t watch Inside Sport yesterday? He’s a complete wazzock and not even much of a footballer to make up for it.

  2. >.< says:

    ” …I don’t know what it is, and until this day I still haven’t got my finger on it.”
    Maybe he’ll soon discover that he has superpowers. Beware Mohinder Suresh, nasty Barton might just contact you.

  3. >.< says:

    ” …I don’t know what it is, and until this day I still haven’t got my finger on it.”
    Maybe he’ll soon discover that he has superpowers. Beware Mohinder Suresh, nasty Barton might just contact you.

  4. >.< says:

    ” …I don’t know what it is, and until this day I still haven’t got my finger on it.”
    Maybe he’ll soon discover that he has superpowers. Beware Mohinder Suresh, nasty Barton might just contact you.

  5. >.< says:

    ” …I don’t know what it is, and until this day I still haven’t got my finger on it.”
    Maybe he’ll soon discover that he has superpowers. Beware Mohinder Suresh, nasty Barton might just contact you.

  6. >.< says:

    ” …I don’t know what it is, and until this day I still haven’t got my finger on it.”
    Maybe he’ll soon discover that he has superpowers. Beware Mohinder Suresh, nasty Barton might just contact you.

  7. >.< says:

    ” …I don’t know what it is, and until this day I still haven’t got my finger on it.”
    Maybe he’ll soon discover that he has superpowers. Beware Mohinder Suresh, nasty Barton might just contact you.

  8. >.< says:

    ” …I don’t know what it is, and until this day I still haven’t got my finger on it.”
    Maybe he’ll soon discover that he has superpowers. Beware Mohinder Suresh, nasty Barton might just contact you.

  9. >.< says:

    ” …I don’t know what it is, and until this day I still haven’t got my finger on it.”
    Maybe he’ll soon discover that he has superpowers. Beware Mohinder Suresh, nasty Barton might just contact you.

  10. >.< says:

    ” …I don’t know what it is, and until this day I still haven’t got my finger on it.”
    Maybe he’ll soon discover that he has superpowers. Beware Mohinder Suresh, nasty Barton might just contact you.

  11. >.< says:

    ” …I don’t know what it is, and until this day I still haven’t got my finger on it.”
    Maybe he’ll soon discover that he has superpowers. Beware Mohinder Suresh, nasty Barton might just contact you.

  12. >.< says:

    ” …I don’t know what it is, and until this day I still haven’t got my finger on it.”
    Maybe he’ll soon discover that he has superpowers. Beware Mohinder Suresh, nasty Barton might just contact you.

  13. >.< says:

    ” …I don’t know what it is, and until this day I still haven’t got my finger on it.”
    Maybe he’ll soon discover that he has superpowers. Beware Mohinder Suresh, nasty Barton might just contact you.

  14. >.< says:

    ” …I don’t know what it is, and until this day I still haven’t got my finger on it.”
    Maybe he’ll soon discover that he has superpowers. Beware Mohinder Suresh, nasty Barton might just contact you.

  15. >.< says:

    ” …I don’t know what it is, and until this day I still haven’t got my finger on it.”
    Maybe he’ll soon discover that he has superpowers. Beware Mohinder Suresh, nasty Barton might just contact you.

  16. chrissmari says:

    can’t believe i watched the whole thing. i mean he’s obnoxious but comes of almost clever, doesn’t he? wrong but more intelligent than i’d ever give him credit for

  17. Jon Davies says:

    I thought he came across pretty well, because he admits he needs to calm down his aggression and work harder as a player. i don’t think he meant the higher calling as in he is right now skilled enough to be the next england captain or whatever, instead he seems intense on upping his own game. and considering his familial background i think one can sympathise with his situation and he’s done extremely well for himself from where he’s coming from.
    my opinion anyway, i think he’s a pretty good player, just a bit of a twat on the field every so often

  18. Oli says:

    He came over better then i thought he would but the higher calling thing was a bit, well ill advised because i think it’s clear he’s not talking about football at that point, he’s just saying he thinks he is better then everyone else, in some way special, which might help explain his actions, he believes he’s above the law because those enforcing it are below him.
    The thing that got to me most though and the reason why i still don’t hold out much hope for him is the bit where he talks about his Nan in hospital and how she had to read the “shit” in the paper about him and that she shouldn’t have to read that and doesn’t want to be reading that. At this point he’s completely blaming the papers when what they were reporting on was a horrendous and cowardly challenge on his part. This tells me he’s not changed because he’s not taking any responsiblity for his actions. Joey if you don’t want your Nan to read bad things about you in the press act responsibly and in a way that would reflect a version of yourself that your Nan would want to see.
    Not sure doing that interview helped the general opinion on him really.

  19. Chris says:

    Yep, second the poster above, it’s suddenly obvious…Barton IS Sylar…watch how Big Sam’s managerial acumen hath seeped through the cracks…jesus are we ever better off without him at City, with him hoovering up Elano & Petrov’s powers…
    A destabilizing force XI, anyone?

  20. Lforaday says:

    It’s bad enough when the tabloids attack this man when he tries to express himself, which everyone has a right to. I personally am sick of reading his quotes taken out of context in an attempt to create controversy. Not everyone has had the benefit of a college education to enable them to speak in a way that does not leave them open for attacks. Try going to original sources next time the press takes his quotes and makes headlines out of them. I expect better from Pies.

  21. kaya says:

    I don’t have the same perspective on this since here in the states, you have to read blogs like WAAtP to know who Joey Barton is, but I did end up feeling sorry for him. I can’t believe I watched both of these things… maybe it’s the accent :)
    He sounds exactly like what you’d expect from someone who’s uneducated but managed to get themselves out of an unglorious childhood by their own means. Sure he’s self-centered, but you probably would be, too.

  22. Gav says:

    He’s a footballer. All will be forgiven as soon as he starts performing on the field. The sooner he realises that, the better.

  23. JP says:

    Joey Barton has done incredibly well to get as far as he has in life. He grew up in a shithole, half his family are murderers and most of his school friends have turned to drugs/crime.
    Whether he’s right or wrong, that extra belief he has in himself to succeed is the main reason why he has done this well for himself he really shouldn’t be criticised for it.

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