Bayrussia Munimund: Bayern Munich & Borussia Dortmund – Champions League Final Composite Best XI

By Chris Wright

We know these composite XI things are largely pointless, but, hey, so’s football. With the Champions League Final in mind, we’ve cobbled together the best of Bayern and the best of Dortmund together into what we think is the best composite team available between the two squads.

You know how it works: we’ve plumped for a standard 4-3-3 formation, but you’ve got free reign to lay out your troops as you wish.

Have a look at our shout and then share your best “Bayrussia Munimund” XIs with us in the comments box below (apologies for the gallery format, but it’s the only way we could make this thing work properly)…


Picture 9 of 11

Arjen Robben, Bayern Munich: There is plenty of attacking firepower to chose from but we're backing Baldilocks to finally do the business in the final. Lord knows he's had enough stabs at it in the past.

What say you Pies fans? Agree/disagree? Feel free to leave your own ‘Composite XIs’ down below…

Photos: PA

Posted in Champions League, Featured, Opinion, Top 10s & lists

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  1. INTER291103 says:

    I’d choose Reus instead of Javi Martínez, using the same tactic both teams will use tomorrow (4-2-3-1). Agree with the others. What about the coach? Mr. Klopp must be the man!

  2. Manolo Garnix says:

    Dante instead of Subotic. Ribery for Robben.

  3. Piesfanfromgermany says:

    Sorry, but leaving out Ribery doesn’t make any sense.

  4. Toni says:

    I’d prefer Dante to Subotic, but since Hummels and Dante are both left footed game-openers, Dante misses the squad by a whisker.

    Robben is miles from Müllers efficiency and Ribery’s creativity.


  5. KingB3113 says:

    Just as well Goetze is injured. Dortmund would have had to have come up with one hell of an excuse for dropping him due to his conflit of interests.

  6. Hasselhof says:

    I’d drop the glassman as well. He’s waaaaay too hot and cold for me. Though I still don’t understand how defenders don’t know he’s going to Robben them(cut to the inside to his left foot on the corner of the box and either fire into orbit, or nestle into the upper 9). Ribery has been playing some of his best football to date.

  7. SZY says:

    I’d go for Piszczek instead of Lahm, the future vs the past on that spot!
    Dante has been outstanding and since Götze is injured Reus should get that central spot behind Lewandowski.

    Piszczek – Hummels – Dante – Alaba
    Gündogan – Schweinie
    Müller – Reus – Ribery

    Bench: Weidenfeller, Javi G, Sven Bender, Mandzukic, Gomez, Blaszczykowski, Felipe Santana

    And Robben in a VIP box, it’ll be a team effort that decides the winner and he aint a team player (except of the first leg vs Barcelona I know)

  8. Raul says:


    Piszczek Subotic Hummells Lahm

    Martinez Schweinsteiger

    Reus Muller Ribery


    Bench: Weidenfeller, Dante, Gundogan, Bender, Robben, Kuba, Mandzukic

    *Considering Goetze and Kroos are injured

  9. Sam says:

    Ribery and Müller more deserving than the patchy and possible past his best Robben. I’d also play both team’s adopted system of 4-2-3-1, and leave Götze out seeing as he’s injured. Otherwise why not Badstuber??


    Lahm, Dante, Hummels, Alaba

    Gundogan, Schweinsteiger

    Marco Reus, Thomas Müller, Franck Ribery,


  10. Lord Propsworthy III says:

    Badstuber is injured. Tore his ACL for the second time in a row and will likely miss all of the next season and the WC.

  11. Louis says:

    Feels a bit like cheating but like Raul I’d definitely go for both Lahm and Piszczek. Lahm’s more than comfortable at LB and the chance to have them both in the squad shouldn’t be passed up.

    Dante over Subotic.


    Piszczek Dante Hummels Lahm

    Martinez Schweinsteiger

    Goetze Muller Ribery


  12. INTER291103 says:

    Oh, yes, of course Thomas Müller must be in.

  13. Mr Sensible says:

    Robben over Muller, Ribery, Reus and Kroos???

    Also Dante has been a beast this season.

  14. Greg says:

    no ribéry, no dante, no müller? you gotta be kidding…

  15. TäSH says:

    Whoever prefers the overrated prettyboy Hummel to Dante or Jerome Boateng (best centerback in Europe this year) can kiss my salty Berlin balls.

  16. Anonymous says:


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