Top 10 Coolest World Cup Stars Ever

Ollie Irish

19th, May 2010


By Ollie Irish


Picture 8 of 10

Zinedine Zidane, France - Bonus cool points for his butt on Materazzi, as if he needed bonus points. The thousand yard stare, the poise - Zizou couldn't be uncool if he tried

That’s my personal top 10. Who makes it into yours?

Posted in Featured, Photos, Top 10s & lists, World Cup

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  1. Davy says:

    RENE HIGUITA…..Drug Crime Baron Cool

  2. Nazr says:

    Jorge Campos or Rene Higuita at goal.

  3. Joe says:

    Erm, the coolest footballer of all time maybe… Johan Cruijff? The turn, the rockstar ‘do, the chain smoking… Runs rings around Maradona (or he would but he’s too cool)

  4. YA says:

    Agree with Cruijiff. Steeziest player ever

  5. bucci says:

    roby baggio & carlos valderrrrrrrrrrrama

  6. Ollie says:

    I accept what you say about Cruyff, but I happen to think he’s a bit of a humourless tosser and very unhip. That’s just me though.

  7. Shane says:

    you should do top ten coolest ever…just me

  8. C says:

    I find Baggio to be the posterboy for men who has ponytails and looks like a cunt…

  9. max says:

    Edgar Davids for the sunglasses alone. And what about Bergkamp? Not only a cool player anyway but also scored THE coolest goal in world cup history (you know the one I’m talking about)
    Dutch clearly have the cool monopoly. Hard to think of a cool English player. Phil Neville anyone?

  10. kritter says:


  11. mizman says:

    Cruyff defo. EL diego and Cruyff for joint number one.

  12. spectator says:

    oh come on, maradona?

    the logo on his shirt says it all: ‘le coq’.

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  14. RubyWoo says:

    Ohhh Ollie!!! you are a man after my own heart!!! Totally agree about Zico(he was the most magnetic player I ever saw and exuded such coolness)and he will always have a place in my heart as my first soccer crush and Zizou is also a god among men. You lose me with Maradona though. I saw him and thought, this barrel chested little troll with the huge hair is the great Maradona??? he needs to crawl back under his bridge. Then, if memory serves, he kicked a poor defenseless Brazilian in the nuts and got a red card and exited in tears. I remember his 500 lb. sister waddling down from stands to console him. I was just a kid then but i remember that they showed Maradona’s entire family contingent in the stands and I thought, My god, that section is gonna collapse with the combined weight of all those heifers – they were ALL ENORMOUS!! i thought, it’s a good thing this guy plays sports or else he would weigh 300 lbs too.

  15. […] features the 10 coolest players to appear at the World […]

  16. DW says:


  17. […] Coolest World Cup players ever my vote goes to Socrates (Who Ate All the Pies) […]

  18. Deckard says:

    Don’t wanna sound biased(as I’m Dutch) but defo me too 100x CRUYFF in 74 was aweeeesome. I watched some 74 highlights the other days, JR14 was by some distance THE coolest character on the pitch, in every game.

    Bergkamp, cool as in being The Iceman. Didn’t do cool stuff just had absolute nerves of steel. Though funnily enough he became afraid to take penalties after his FA Cup Semi-Final miss against Man Utd.

    Marco Van Basten deserves a shout. It might be that we only vaguely remember his ever being at a World Cup – Italia 90 was his only one and he didn’t score. But he totally rocked at EURO 88. And the same goes for Ruud Gullit. In fact Valderamma was called the South American Gullit back in the day.

    David Beckham, love him or hate him, but his hairstyles have rocked, he moved with the times as his hairdo was THE one to have at every Cup he was at.

    Ronaldo(the real one). Remember his odd hairstyle in 2002? maybe the 8 goals he scored with apparent ease is what we remember better.

    Hidetoshi Nakata, the David Beckham of Japan times 1000. Every teenage girl in Japan wanted to marry him, every teenage boy wanted to be him. Be it not for the fact he was Japans most gifted player, then for his radical hairstyles(he coloured his hair which is in Japan is generally seen as a no-no), and just had one bad ass expression on his face all the time, even when he scored he barely smiled.

    There some more I think deserve an honourable mention but can’t think of any others right now.

  19. Jaysta says:

    Top 10 coolest world cup layers and NO JAIRZINHO!!! How can it be!?!? The coolest badass ’70s ‘bro with a ‘fro ever to grace the world game! I’ve got a jairzinho t-shirt & it’s the coolest garment ever created… the only footballer I’d ever consider wearing on my chest! Marco van Basten was cool-as too. But Jairzinho rocked the fro’, flying up & down the wing & scoring in every round of the world cup, despite carrying around that massive ‘fro, which must’ve weighed a ton! Jairzinho is the number 1 for me. Good article tho! :0)

  20. Michael says:

    Bergkamp was probably the coolest finisher the game has ever seen.

    Hard to leave Henry out too. Isn’t charisma cool? Bring forth the Henry afro-huge stereo photos.

    Coolest player that is going to this world cup? Now that is a toughie.

  21. Deckard17 says:

    Maybe Nando Torres cuz he’s a deadly finisher and his celebrations are cool. And apparently he’s a hit with the chicks.

    It’s funny that UNDER Maradonna, Argentina don’t really have the kind of player he was in the side now. Messi has the skills but not the personality. Same goes for Kun, lil less skill. Mascherano is a bad-ass but certainly no Fernando Redondo.

    Holland don’t really have any cool customers at the moment either. Sneijder tries a little too hard but nobody takes him seriously when trying to be bad-ass. Van Persie, Kuyt, Robben, Van Der Vaart, Huntelaar got more chances of forming a choir-group then some bad-ass gang.

  22. Luca says:

    You are forgetting Garrincha: incredible talent, the alcohol, the birds, the rockstar death…

  23. Devin says:

    Gazza needs to be on this list.

    It’s recent, but Cannavaro also needs to be included (see recent nike commercial)

  24. […] Schluss wie immer eine Bestenliste. Heute: die zehn coolsten Fussballer aller Zeiten, präsentiert vom insulanischen Fachorgan who ate all the […]

  25. h0nd says:

    great to see valderrama. he is like number 1 ever!

  26. Georgie B. says:

    I think Johan Neeskens was pretty cool tooo …

  27. Joe says:

    How can you not include Higuita. Shame on you.

  28. Ste says:

    Günther Netzer: he did own a studio 54 -style discotheque, had the longest hair, plaid glam-football…okay, his only world cup appearance was the west german defeat against east germany, wich probably wasn`t that cool. So, I`d like to go for Cruyjff, instead. And Socrates, for sure!!
    Mentioning `74: Beckenbauer: sheer class! Or Hector Ayala: the longest hair in world cup history…
    (sorry for my poor english)

  29. pjams5 says:

    batistuta. the hair + goatee + utter badassery = top 10 coolest bros on the field any day. pure class – he could do it all

  30. Kuwait says:

    U forgot the coolset football player EVER!!, DAVID BECKHAM!! Cant believe u havent got him in ur list,, u dont knw anything bout being cool..