Top 10 Pro Footballers Without A Contract

Ollie Irish

7th, September 2010


By Ollie Irish

At time of writing, and with the transfer window shut and locked, there are some unemployed footballers you may have heard of:


Picture 4 of 10

Francis Jeffers - Former Everton and Arsenal striker was last seen not banging them in for Sheffield Wednesday

Photos: PA

Via Give Me Football

Of that lot, I find it remarkable that Jay Demerit, a tough defender with international experience, can’t find a club. He has been linked with Steve McClaren’s Wolfsburg and a few English clubs, so I guess he’s keeping his options open.

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  1. Chris says:

    I believe Demerit turned down a move to Sheffield United not so long ago, so it would seem that he is waiting for something fairly high profile.

  2. Ollie Irish says:

    Yeah, can’t believe Demerit won’t sort something out soon.

  3. Delboy Dublin says:

    Hard not to giggle at the plight of “England’s” Francis Jeffers. Surprised no championship club has taken a punt on Finnan though

  4. TRUEdoo says:

    hm…looks like i’m quite the casual fan

  5. KWar says:

    Wow, Alliadiere doesn’t have a club? That’s honestly shocking.

  6. Jonathan says:

    You forgot Simon Elliott – he was brilliant for New Zealand at the World Cup and in the qualifiers.

  7. Daisy Raskil says:

    Some of these are not shocking. Some are not suprising.

    Vassell couldn’t score in a brothel.

    Aliadiere is woeful.

    Jeffers. Not alot can be said about him. One word. Diabolical

  8. Yusoff says:

    Pity these guys…i wonder how they are going to earn their penny now…i mean football is the only thing they know…i am not suprised if they can even read and write at all…what a predicament…

  9. Bobby says:


    Better than all the above by miles.

  10. Bobby says:

    o wait, kuranyi found a club apparently :-(

  11. Stephane Gerard says:

    The problem with british players is that their options are limited to playing on the isles.
    No one else wants technically weak brits in their leagues.
    Not even Iceland (englishmen cant dance).

  12. Katt says:

    I’d add Michael Rensing to the list. He wasn’t an awful keeper -he’s still young- but lost his place in Bayern München when he started messing up. I guess being Oliver Kahn’s successor has got to be a little nerve wracking.

  13. zed says:

    Gai assulin?

  14. led says:

    surprised liverpool didnt pick finnan back up what with there defense issues on the left. he’s not what he used to be but it couldnt hurt to have as a back up

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