10 Premier League Footballers Who Aren’t Good Enough For Their Club

Ollie Irish

26th, November 2010


By Ollie Irish


Picture 8 of 10

James Perch (Newcastle). His real level: Ipswich Town.

Posted in Featured, Photos, Top 10s & lists

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  1. Sonix says:

    A more appropriate title would be “10 random player i don’t like” ..
    Sure, neither of them is a key player for their respective clubs, but you can’t have 11 Top-Stars in your squad, can you? Many of them (i do not know all, or their perfomances) are “just” utility players for their clubs. Sure, they won’t win the championship for their club all by themselves, but they provide solid performances, and you can’t just put eleven Ronaldos on the pitch, you need someone who does the “dirty work” for the others.
    Players like Denilson, John O’shea or Paul Konchesky sure aren’t the most skilled in their respective Clubs, but provide the needed squad depth and physis and as such are very useful for their clubs. Sure, they could be key players for smaller clubs, but then, who couldn’t be?

    What kind of fan are you, when you demand world-class performances from every single player, every time? Where is the support for the club, for fighting and doing everything to win and satisfy the fans, even when you can’t dominate the enemy? Compare that with the story about english fans not singing anymore you ran earlier.

    a german football fan who is also interested and concerned about the EPL.

  2. Ollie Irish says:

    Sonix 1-0 Me.

  3. Jason says:

    You can’t have good players without the bad….

  4. qwerty says:

    lol dude they arent good enough for their club so i have no idea what you are on about really. have you seen corluka play? what does he offer? squad depth? if for the sake of squad depth then spurs should have kyle naughton on the bench who is much better than corluka and would provide a better back-up option to hutton. as for o shea, i wouldnt say he is the jack of all trades because he is so shit at every single position he plays in. because of him, united wont buy a proper full back! i rmbr when evra was replaced by o shea, god you could see the vast difference in skill and class. simply put, o shea is not united standard. sure he does a job and is tall but so is wes brown and he can do a better job!nobody is demanding world class performances dude. these players can even give a decent performance for f**k’s sake

  5. qwerty says:

    top 10 premier league players too good for their clubs, can you make a list on that?
    1. Tim Cahill
    2. Scott Parker
    3. Johan elmander
    4. Charlie Adam
    5. Gamst Pedersen
    6. Hugo Rodallega
    7. Darren Bent
    8. Gareth Bale
    9.Carlos Tevez
    10.Lee chung yong ( better than park)

  6. Ted says:

    Here’s a challenge for you Ollie, name 10 clubs in the prem that are worth watching for the money they charge. Name a composite side from the boring and predictable premier lge and I’ll name a side from the 70’s that would stuff it. The above 10 is stupid, joke 10’s are better.

  7. megaman789 says:

    True. These players don’t deserrve to be on the team.
    @Sonix: Sure you need squad depth and players to do the ugly work. But these players provide neither. I mean just look at Poulsen. Putting him on pitch is like giving the oppostion an extra player.

  8. Marcel Desailly says:

    I’m sure Burton Albion would gladly take Spector! As for the Villa and City comparison for Richards, if they were still under O’Neil there would be nothing between them, and as for O’Shea he has been one of United’s most reliable utility players of the last decade and even chipped in (pardon the pun) a few great goals (see vs Arsenal & Liverpool).

  9. Aaron says:

    Didn’t John O’Shea recently sign a contract worth 16 million pound, 80 grand a week.
    He’s going to earn more than Zidan did at Real Madrid. Just saying

  10. Andrew Thompson says:

    I think you missed the Under 12s off Ipswich Town with the James Perch bit

  11. K says:

    @Marcel – sure John O’Shea’s chipped in a few great goals. But he has given away many many more with bumbling errors and lapses in concentration. He’s definitely in the negatives on the goal sheet.

  12. Anonymous says:

    You listed all this players yet didnt list BERBATOV FOR MAN UTD??

    He belongs in a 5 a side elementary football game….as a goalkeeper.

  13. V says:

    I thoroughly agree with this. In fact, I’m moving to england to show them how it’s done. Anyone know of low league team needing a central midfielder?

  14. SeanBCFC says:

    where’s rooney?

  15. Ruperto says:

    Jonathan Spector Came From The MLS Thats Why

  16. Samhumphreys says:

    Excuse me, T

  17. Samhumphreys says:

    Excuse me , Tim Cahill too good for his club? I don’t think so, he is at a very good level, especially for his age.

  18. Mr Common Sense says:

    This list is pointless.

    As a United fan I fully appreciate what O’Shea along with Park, Evans, Gibson, Smalling, Hernandez, Brown, Fabio, Obertan, Macheda, Kuszczak and Bebe offer. Variety and players who know their place, it’s what you need to win things, maybe Ollie Irish has no idea about that.

    Same goes with Denilson, great squad player.

  19. Simmo says:

    Konchesky wasn’t even good enough for Charlton… He’d still struggle to get in the team.

  20. […] 10 Premier League Footballers Who Aren't Good Enough For Their … […]

  21. Bit harsh on Corluka, and the poor bloke looks like he’s about to burst into tears

  22. seneca says:

    like qwerty’s 10 players who are too good for their clubs. missed out fabregas and rooney though.

  23. V says:

    Mr Common Sense, why mention Park or Hernandez? Top players!

  24. james says:

    If you were to make a list of players too good for their clubs, I imagine it would look a little like this:

    1 – Scott Parker
    2 – Ashley Young
    3 – Alexander Hleb
    4 – Charlie Adam
    5 – Rafael van der Vaart
    6 – Fernando Torres
    7 – Hatem Ben Arfa
    8 – Martin Petrov
    9 – Gareth Bale
    10 – Darren Bent

  25. james says:

    Also – how the hell were Corluka and Denilson in there ahead of Wayne Bridge and Shaun Wright-Phillips!?

  26. Gera says:

    No stevie G on that list james

  27. Croatia says:

    Vedran Corluka?????Why??He is very good in Croatian nacional team…and he is good in Tottenham’s defense..
    By the way,list is good without Corluka….

  28. RedSkywalker says:

    Ollie, stick up for yourself! You took that first comment way too easily!
    Good list, as a United fan I do think O Shea is important for us though, I think he’s played in every single position at United (including Goalkeeper as few years back…), and he recently delivered the winning cross against Liverpool.

  29. I think a few of these players are decent, but not stars. John O’Shea is a good player, and weirdly can play in defence/midfield or attack and has played in goals… he’s not better than any of the first time in their natural positions, but great to have the option of him as a sub! A few people in the list are good, just on bad spells, a few though do like they’ve bitten off more than they can chew.

  30. marcus cox says:

    bendtner = arsenal

  31. Colin says:

    Wes Brown is all I have to say. How hes been on united for as long as he has I’ll never know.

  32. […] Top 10 Premier League Photos, 27-28 November – Berbatov Scores 5 (FIVE) […]

  33. Russ says:

    You looked at the Tottenham squad and picked Corluka out over Jenas or Bentley?!

    Corluka is very much the defender you don’t notice in a lot of games, but this can be a good thing; he is consistent and reliable and before he got injured he was improving with age (still just 24).

    And how you picked him over Alan ‘master of positional awareness’ Hutton I will never know!

  34. JS says:

    Jonathan “2 goals v Man U” Spector will accept your apology now.

  35. liam-irish says:

    10 players i dislike by ollie irish

    ( bacause i know more about football than say arsene wenger and alex ferguson and i write for a blog and i have to come up with stupid ass entries like the above)

  36. Ure says:

    Why isn’t ramires for Chelsea on this list?

  37. Barry says:

    I know it was a while ago this list but absolutely no one mentioned Keith Andrews at Blackburn.

    I’m a Blackburn fan and I can safely say that he is useless and no one likes him. He’s out of his depth but has managed to get an international career out of it. Wouldn’t be in the Prem if Ince hadn’t moved to Blackburn

  38. joe rhys says:

    None of you know shit about football, richards not good enough for city? darren bent to good enough for his club hahaha! whats next john terrys a virgin? clueless

  39. joe rhys says:

    Ollie Irish can i ask what team you support? judging by your shocking outcomes of 10 Premier League Footballers Who Aren’t Good Enough For Their Club i reckon you support utd, seen as utd fans no nothing about football.. im correct your a utd fan arnt you? thought so

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