Top 15 Premier League Players Who Are Too Good For Their Clubs

Ollie Irish

30th, November 2010


By Ollie Irish

Following on from the Top 10 Premier League Players Who Aren’t Good Enough For Their Clubs, here’s a slightly longer list of the Prem stars who could easily play for a bigger club (we had planned to do this anyway, but a spotter’s badge goes to Pies reader Qwerty for also suggesting it)…


Picture 11 of 13

Rafael van der Vaart and Gareth Bale (Tottenham). Their real level: Man Utd.

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  1. Duncan Ferguson says:

    tim cahill too good for everton? behave yourself, hes not even our best player

  2. Hold on…Tevez is too good for Man City and should be at Real Madrid…but Torres should be at City? Can’t help thinking you took your eye off the ball on that one, Ollie!

  3. Ollie Irish says:

    Well, I think Tevez is better than Torres, so it makes sense – to me!

  4. Cook says:

    @ Duncan ferguson; Mate, who is better than Timmy Cahill at everton? Arteta and saha are always injured, fellaini and yakubu do fuck all, only pienaar is close and he’s inconsistent. Tim Howard has had a fairly average season aswell. Cahill should be captain, he is your best player. Highest work rate, highest skill and always wears his heart on his sleeve, wait till he leaves, your sorry ass will cry til the cows come home. Australia 2022 FTW

  5. Cook says:

    Great work Ollie, as little as it means, I think all these choices will be justified as the season continues

  6. mizman says:

    AShley young is not good enough man utd. fact

  7. Mr. Chopper says:

    At the moment, Paul Konchesky is a bit too good for Liverpool.

  8. PADDY says:

    arteta is more of an arsenal standard.
    also andy carroll more of spurs or liverpool standard

  9. Agree with mizman – ashley young isn’t good enough for United, although he could be.

  10. j says:

    Fuck me, Is Gareth Bale not the most perfect chimp/human hybrid you have ever seen?

  11. DS says:

    Gerrard and Torres more Chelsea standard I reckon. They could then replace them with Kevin Doyle and Scott Parker.

  12. goonerdan says:

    you forgot morten gamst pederson

  13. Cook says:

    Johan Elmander?

  14. Donner Meat says:

    Gerrard is more Chelsea standard.
    Torres? Probably AC Milan or somehwere we he can put as much effot into football as he likes…which is to say fuck all.

  15. john e blaze says:

    Ashley Young will stay at Villa. Leave him alone, Ollie!

  16. alex says:

    i suppose ollie is a man utd fan cuz he has given all the good uns to shite utd and the average uns to lfc

  17. megaman789 says:

    @Ollie: Quite possibly this is the worst list you’ve made.
    You really feel that Tevez to Madrid then Torres to city? WTF?

    And sure Liverpool havn’t been great lately but that does not make them a “bad” club to be in. There is no way Liverpool isn’t mucg better than man city.

  18. Ollie Irish says:

    megaman, you are delusional on quite a worrying scale if you think liverpool is on par with man city. city are a bigger club than liverpool now, by some margin.

  19. Ollie Irish says:

    but then delusional Liverpool fans are nothing new to me, judging by the comments we get on Pies.

  20. Collie says:

    Saying city are a bigger club than liverpool is wrong…better team currently for sure. I dont agree with ashley young, tim cahill or the two liverpool lads. Its hard to imagine Cahill anywhere else but I certainly dont think he’s United quality

  21. Mr. Angry says:

    @ Ollie Irish

    we are not delusional! you are, you wanker! how the fuck can man shitty be bigger than LIVERPOOL FC! man shitty have got more money thats it…LIVERPOOL HAVE GOT EIGHTEEN (18) LEAGUE TITTLES AND FIVE (5) CHAMPIONS LEAGUE TROPHIES! so how the fuck can you say man shitty are bigger than LIVERPOOL! idiot! the shite you come up with are infuriating! GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT YOU IDIOT!

  22. Ollie Irish says:

    @ Mr Angry – So you’d argue that Britain is a bigger country than the US just because there was once a huge British Empire? Get real, f**ktard.

  23. Hello says:

    This is an awful column. How can you say Tim Cahill is too good for Everton and is in fact on level with debatably the best side in England? How can you say Tevez and Cahill are better than Torres (by saying Tevez is too good for City, Cahill is too good for City and therefore goes to United and Torres is only good enough for them). Torres is in a team of mediocre players, and Gerrard. Both of which are players of whom could play for any side in the world , par maybe Barcelona. Some of the other decisions are just as ludicrous. Bent good enough for Tottenham? I think I need say no more, than what happened when he was last there? (By the way I am not criticising Darren Bent, I happen to think he is a great player, certainly a greater player than Ollie ever will be Journalist!)

  24. dingleberry says:

    Could I say a word between all the f**ktardness… worldwide though a player playing in a liverpool shirt would get far more recognition and respect than say a man city player (or even a tottham) – who the eff gave a shit bout seeing tevez when he was over here when torres or stevie g were up 4 grabs (from SA).

  25. Lloyd says:

    Liverpool fans need to stop living in the god damn past

  26. Andrew Thompson says:

    wowwwww, lots of odd decisions, but its your opinion Ollie
    fair play

  27. Allie says:

    Liverpool has a better worldwide reach and better history than Man City.
    Liverpool is a bigger club than Man City.
    Liverpool still has good players, but there are not a lot of them in the squad.
    Next season, who knows what would happen but Man City is performing better than Liverpool right now.
    And I support Liverpool. The truth hurts.

  28. Olly(ur getting sacked in the morning) says:

    Tevez better than Torres and your allowed to right about football lol.

  29. Luis says:

    Tevez better than Torres lol. You obviously know your football Ollie lol.

  30. Eilidh says:

    And I thought @Ollie Irish was nice…

  31. meh says:

    Gotta say can’t really agree with many of these… Definitely one of the weaker posts on Pies. The preceding Worse than their clubs was for sure better. And anyone who says City is a BIGGER club than Liverpool needs to get their head checked. Better at the moment but certainly not bigger.

  32. K says:

    Dear god. The ‘pool fans need to get a grip. LFC are crap – at the moment. They are not doing as well as Citeh – at the moment. Inarguable. If LFC gets its shit together the list could be different in 6 months time. But guess what? This article isn’t being written in 6 months time, its being written now. And right now it is accurate. Which I am sure you realise on some level, otherwise why would you have been so keen to get the yanks out on the basis they were ruining your club. Employ some logic ffs. If you can’t understand that then you’re as mental as a smurf with stage 3 syphilis.

  33. Turkalicious says:

    HaHa! love the Fabregas real level – ‘Barcelona Bench’

  34. RedSkywalker says:

    Not in his arse here but good list by Ollie and hes right about Liverpool.

  35. Montesquieu says:

    I agree with the Tevez-Torres bit.

    Tevez is a great player who has been consistent at West Ham, United and City. Torres has had one great season and has been mediocre since (not to mention was absolutely invisible at the World Cup).

  36. revzi100 says:

    so your saying steven gerrard and fernando torres are to good for liverpool and there level is man city? thats not a step up its a step sideways at best, and your saying van der vaart is good enough for man united but couldnt even get in real madrid squad, ididnt see man united jumping over fences to get him when he became avalible, and lets just see were man city are in a few years time when there team is full of crap arab players. and for liverpool fans living in the past there last trophy was 2006- not that long ago when was man citys last trophy and how long did man united chelsea go without a league title?

  37. Montesquieu says:

    You lads easily forget that all of the 18 titles are of the old division. The division which hasn’t been around for nearly twenty years.

    Liverpool have hardly been able to compete at the top three level (Christ, even Blackburn won a Premiership title; ironically with Liverpool’s greatest player/player-manager to boot), in the past eighteen years, you have been in second place twice (Newcastle United also have), and the only place you have an advantage over the rest is in the third place with five (which is pretty pathetic none the less). Seven times in the top three out of eighteen, that’s 38% of the time. (which is pretty pathetic, considering Chelsea even have been in top three more times)

    So yes, you’re a huge club that hasn’t done shit since Kenny Dalglish left for Blackburn Rovers.

  38. Ollie Irish says:

    Can I urge all deluded Liverpool fans to read Montesquieiu’s excellent comment above (No.37) and try to reply with a reasonable counter-argument? …

  39. Ollie Irish says:

    Oh, and K’s comment is also worth a re-read (No.32). Liverpool fans: the most deluded in the world. Bless.

  40. Julius says:

    Poor article.
    All but Fabregas, Torres & Gerrard are misguided choices, based on how well they are playing at THIS particular time (so not even based on a whole season).
    The others are playing as well as they can for their current clubs but what makes the three I’ve mentioned too good for where they are is that they are PROVEN performers who have delivered more often than not on a consistent basis. The others are merely good current performers who have made an impact recently. Or some are just plain overrated (see Cahill, Ashley Young…)

  41. Mr. Angry says:

    @ hello

    well said mate that clown ollie irish is the one who’s deluded

  42. Mr. Chopper says:

    You’re coming across as quite the cunt today, Ollie. Whilst I agree that a lot of Liverpool fans are somewhat “living in the past”, if you were to ask non-English football fans about teams they know about, they’ll invariably come up with United and Liverpool. I had some interesting conversations in America about football during the World Cup (the Pacific NW is balls-deep for the stuff) – of all the people I talked to, none had heard of Manchester City. They didn’t even know Manchester had another club.

    In the modern age Liverpool have done little apart from try and stay in the top four and win a cup every now and again. I’m fine with that. But to think that City are a bigger club than Liverpool? That’s idiocy. You sound like Gary Cook. Richer, certainly. Better squad, definitely. Bigger..?

    Before Chelsea and City came along with the cheat codes enabled, United were the richest club with the best resources. This showed in the calibre of player they could sign, the strength of the squad and the number of titles they’ve won. Blackburn had a go with a bunch of thrown cash, then burned spectacularly. Leeds had another go. Portsmouth had a shot. I’d rather keep trundling along as a nearly club with integrity than Konami-code ourselves to the top.

  43. Jimmy says:

    Deluded – this coming from a site who thinks gareth bale is one of the greatest players in he world having played well for approx 6 months??

    How you have forgotten how piss poor he was before he got that monkey off his back!!

  44. James says:

    Yeah, this is a stupid article. Liverpool still have the second largest support in the UK. City aren’t even in the top 5. Having lots of money and a few decent players doesn’t make you a “big” team. Even Robinho didn’t want to play for them, and now he plays for crappy AC Milan. I think that says it all.

    If Gerrard and Torres were to be at a better club then it would be Barca or Real. With a good team around him, Torres is a country mile better than Tevez.

    And saying that everyone decent should be at Man Utd is a bit short sighted when they’re also clearly a squad in decline with massive debt. Like hell I’d move from Spurs to Man Utd if I was Gareth Bale.

  45. The 100% Greek says:

    First of all, cheers from Greece. I dont think he meant that,i mean Liverpool biggest stars to “rivals” City?? Pulling a leg??? Thumbs up for Mr.Chopper and last but not least, again cheers from Greece

    PS. Down here, Liverpool and ManUtd are considered the greatest English football clubs with Chelsea coming along in the last few years,but City is nowhere near. I play them(ManCity)in Football Manager though!!!(big money is always a lure!)

  46. Mr. Angry says:

    see ollie i told you your an idiot! just read what MR. CHOPPER said…..


  47. Glen says:

    Ollie is obviously Montesquieu. What a stupid list.

  48. yank says:

    I live in the States too. You really think that the average American is gonna know anything about soccer at all? Who cares if Liverpool is “bigger”. This isn’t about who’s “bigger”, it’s about who’s better. If you look at the table from the end of last season you’ll find Man City end the season on 68 points, 5 points better than ‘Pool. More points = better team. If you look at the league table right now, you’ll find City is in 4th, and the Scousers are in 10th. That’s a 7 point gap after only 15 matches. More points = better team. And didn’t City beat Liverpool 3-0 this August? Yeah. They did.

  49. yank says:

    But wait, Liverpool have won it five times, I forgot. Their clearly the better team this year.

  50. Del says:

    Thats just stupid. There’s no such thing as a player being too good for their club. A club is a team. The team plays well or the team plays badly.
    Handing all the good players up the ladder is no different from “The rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.”

    For heavens sake! Who wants to watch a season where they know ManU will come out top and no-one else even stands a chance? Thats no different than watching a movie when you already know whats gonna happen or reading a book when someones already told you the plot twist. -_-

    Come on, how awesome would it be if this season a club other than ManU, Arsenal or Chelsea won the Prem League?

    It would be like when Spain won the World Cup for the first time. It was friggin MAGIC!!!

  51. Sheffield Fox says:

    This issue of “Big clubs” is completely relative.
    Yes, Liverpool may have a bigger fanbase and a more successful history than Man City, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re a BETTER team at the moment (far from it).
    You only have to look at Leeds, Forest and Sheff Wed in recent years to know that banging on about being a “Big club” won’t get you anywhere.
    Live in the now, sportsfans!

  52. Archie seaton says:

    Jermaine pennant is a class player

  53. Vito Corleone says:

    ollie irish is a prick!

  54. nuninuninu says:

    Cesc Fabregas (Arsenal). His real level: The Barcelona bench.

    ^This made me laugh so hard. Good stuff! :)

  55. God says:

    Sorry I’m late, had some other none-footballing matter to deal with. What’s all this fuss about Manchester City being a big club. They prayed for a title, I wouldn’t budge and now they’re trying to buy it. I have made Liverpool the greatest club in the world intentionally. Don’t be jealous or I’ll drown you all. Gerrard is my son also.

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