Top 10 Pundits Who Could Replace Andy Gray At Sky Sports

Ollie Irish

26th, January 2011


By Ollie Irish


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Glenn Hoddle - Knows his stuff but is hardly Mr Charisma. Joint-second favourite to replace Gray (with Ray Wilkins).

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  1. PhilandoTorres says:

    If we’re talking about someone to sit next to Martin Tyler on a Saturday morning/Sunday afternoon/Monday night/Shrove Tuesday then Sky will probably want someone as bombastic as Gray. Sky do love a soundbite, and Andy Gray provided a few dozen thousand in his time.

    By the way, my affection for James Richardson, fostered in a childhood spent watching him present Italian footy, precludes me from putting his name forward for any sort of Sky job. I’d hate for him to be tainted by the Murdoch empire.

    If I was in charge I’d give him the MoTD job and relegate The Crisp Salesman to MoTD2.

  2. Gibby says:

    Good shout PT and can he take Alan Hansen as well. Rednapp would suit the posters for Sky nestled in beside those ‘fit burds’ !!! Gray to be exiled to 5 Live beside Alan Brazil ……… let the booze sessions commence.

  3. Tinez says:

    90% of the football men you’ve selected here aren’t fit to do their current football punditry jobs. the 10% that are i wouldn’t want to sully themselves on sky sports.

  4. jon rice says:

    andy townsend is probably the only one who would manage to up the levels of smugness on Sky post-Gray

  5. Gray had two jobs – his in studio work and his pitchside commentary work. For the former I’d say Redknapp Jr. was a shoe-in. For the latter only Wilkins suits me out of that list.

    So a Wilkins/Redknapp partnership for me would be lovely.

  6. Ping Yang says:

    Shebby Singh is a big hit in ESPN STAR in Asia. They need to get his ass to England.

    Gotta love that accent.

  7. Shane says:

    I think we’re all missing the point here, what an amazing picture of Sam Allardyce! I think my affection for him might have a lot to do with the fake twitter account, @TheBig_Sam, but he is very tolerable when on Sky.

  8. Greg says:

    Craig Bellamy would be good.
    Speaks his mind and doesn’t care who he upsets.

    A promotion for Gerry Armstrong would be a good idea too.

  9. Jon says:

    I would rather James Richardson get the MoTD2 job, Crisp Salesman stay on MotD and Colin Murray go to Sky.

    MotD2 isn’t shit now because of Murray, it’s more the whole ‘goofy goofy hawhawhaw’ direction they decided to go in production-wise.

    My conditions of Jimbo getting the MotD2 job would be that the Football Weekly guys go on there too (including Glendenning)

  10. George says:

    I would love it to be Shearer. I don’t have Sky, so it would mean I never have to see him on MOTD ever again.

  11. Top Left says:

    Not Gary Neville, now or ever please SKY.

    Lee Dixon provides actual tactical comments dwvoid of “the boy done good,” or “he should’ve done better there.”

  12. Top Left says:

    Also forgot to say, replacing Gray with Collymore would be an act of extreme irony.

  13. Pedro says:

    James Richardson to present every football related show in all the channels, I say. Him and the whole podcast crew+Zonal Marking. The unavoidable cringing when watching the old boys presenting their take on “tactical analysis” would be gone for good. Ah, bliss.

  14. dale says:

    I don’t have sky so I’d like it to be Shearer or Townsend, just so they’re no longer on terrestial tv

  15. Michael says:

    As a Yank I don’t have the pleasure of hearing your commenters and who is crap and who isn’t, but I will just add that having someone who can provide actual technical analysis is great. As an example, here in the States we have Jeff Van Gundy as a commenter for NBA matches on ESPN: he’s a former coach and breaks down the game in a technical manner and can be brutally honest about missed assignments, bad form, etc. It’s refreshing to hear aside from the typical “wow!” or “look at that hustle” crap you hear so very often. Oh, and he looks like Droopy, which is an added bonus (and for the icing on the cake, his brother Stan Van Gundy is a Ron Jeremy doppelganger). Finally, the Big Sam pic is classic.

  16. The Archibald Chair says:

    Hell, give me Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraeme Souness. Intelligent bastard, actually was a very good player himself in his day, clearly knows how to separate the “great” from the “very, very ordinary”:

    However, if Big Sam wears that particular kit every time, he’s got my vote.

  17. Kev says:

    James Richardson is criminally under-looked in football punditry. Souness is the best of a bad bunch there but he’s got virtually no personality. James Richardson all the way in my opinion.

  18. Montesquieu says:

    Hold on, what? Graeme Souness knows the game? Sure, he’s played it, but he was an atrocious manager and a borderline idiot at it. So I wouldn’t say he knows the game just because he played it.

  19. Jared_S_22 says:

    Ray Hudson would be mint! Best commentary ever and never uses a dull cliche.

  20. kolo says:

    Souness is a brilliant pundit.
    My favourite definitely.

  21. eh? says:

    None of these losers have the sort of voice and presence Andy Gray made his hallmark as co-commentator with the excellent Martin Tyler as the voice of the Premier League for the whole duration of its worldwide success (and in many ways must be credited for it). Can you even imagine these voices alongside the likes of Tyler? It would be a joke, and people would turn off their TVs in disgust. Andy Gray WILL be missed by Sky.

  22. Jimbo says:

    Neville would be the dream

  23. The Archibald Chair says:

    Yes, Souness is a brilliant pundit. His problem is that he hates “lesser” players, meaning just about 90% of the EPL lot. He is prob too old school to be a manager today – I think he’s admitted this himself. Still, IMHO; brilliant pundit.

  24. Malcolm R says:

    Anyone else would be better than Andy Gray…….He has been voted THE WORST FOOTBALL PUNDIT and that was before all this!

  25. Dave Vasey says:

    About time they got rid of the old fossils. Glad they have been sacked, they are bad news for football.

  26. Andy Gray says:

    I’d like my namesake’s replacement to be Dave Clark – a top fella

  27. Paul White Nottingham says:

    Anyone would make better pundits than the bigoted two muppets, and for that sort of wage you can have anyone.
    Hope we dont see them on the box again, they were hated at Sky.

  28. Alan T Leciester says:

    Sky could not wait to get rid of them, and it is all coming out!
    It just shows you that if you treat your work collegues badly, it will back-fire on you. There will be nobody wanting to save them, are both Billy No Mates. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

  29. Ken Thomas says:

    Anyone would be better than Keys and Gray….. i could never stand the two W***kers. Talksport will lose out having them….. i have already switch off now from Talksport.

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