Premier League Team of the Season… so far

Ollie Irish

10th, November 2009


With another international break upon us, and a third of the season almost down, now seems like a fine time to run Pies’ Team of the Season… so far.

Be interesting to see how this compares with the Team of the Season next May…


Picture 8 of 11

James Milner (Aston Villa) - Under Martin O'Neill, Villa's Mr Versatile has blossomed, to the point where it seems certain he'll go to South Africa next summer. Can play almost anywhere, and never shirks the donkey work.

And that lot would be managed by Burnley gaffer Owen Coyle, who is overachieving at Turf Moor.

Agree, disagree? Who would be in your team of the season so far?

Full XI (if you can’t be arsed to click through the photo gallery), in a 4-4-2 stylee:

Shay Given (Man City)
Glen Johnson (Liverpool)
Ashley Cole (Chelsea)
Thomas Vermaelen (Arsenal)
Roger Johnson (Birmingham)
Cesc Fabregas (Arsenal)
Frank Lampard (Chelsea)
Andy Reid (Sunderland)
James Milner (Aston Villa)
Didier Drogba (Chelsea)
Robin van Persie (Arsenal)

Posted in Featured, Top 10s & lists

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  1. Jack Burston says:

    Hard to argue with any of these, great call putting Andy Reid in there, he’s been fantastic for Sunderland so far.

  2. Pablo says:


  3. StevieGistheMan says:

    Very solid squad. Good to see that no Red Devils made the list.

  4. Ted says:

    no thumbnail gallery yet Ollie ?
    I’m sorry to put this on the table again, but the pics take ages to load (nearly 1 min per pic). Reading a whole article is quite daunting at this rate.
    You’re a big boy, I’m sure you can sort this out

  5. Dan says:

    Wigan’s Momo Diame needs a mention. Looks absolutely sensational, far too much like Patrick Vieira for there not to be some dodgy ethical questions about cloning in France. Hugo Rodallega deserves to be mentioned as well, destined for a great future in the game if his form so far is any indication.

    Just one thought though – I wish ‘Team of the Season’ type awards were given for completely outstanding seasons. As in, don’t just give it to an exceptional player having their average season, start including average players having exceptional seasons. After saying that, this team comes closer than any other I have ever read, Reid and Roger Johnson are great shouts.

  6. Ollie says:

    @ Ted: 1 min per pic – really??! I know we can be slow, but not that slow. Will look at upgrading server, and sorting out thumbnails too.

  7. Ted says:

    Thank you. Sometimes, the image just won’t show (I couldn’t even see #2 in this page). My computer is not guilty (it’s a brand new one, I got it in september), neither is my connection (pretty fast when checking ESPN soccernet)

  8. Ted says:

    I tried again: Glenn Johnson popped up just after a few seconds.
    It depends, but it can be really slow sometimes

  9. Ollie says:

    Yeah, seems to be big spikes when it goes very very slow. Apologies.

  10. Conor says:

    Given out reina in, van persie out torres in

  11. […] Premier League team of the season (so far). [WAATP?] […]

  12. eamogomez says:

    and andy reid still cant earn a call up. trap has 2 admit hes wrong and get him back

  13. Killmerightnow says:

    Stephen Warnock perhaps?

  14. Hannah says:

    An obvious absence on your list is Torres. In spite of the injury problems, is scoring goals left and right. Defenders will be shaking in their boots when he’s actually fit.

  15. alex says:

    shay given? he just gave up 3 to burnely, is that a joke? vanpersie has shown heart but there is no way he is the best in epl as of now, rooney has shown way more progress than vp. glen johnson? how can you consider anyone from liverpool after their horrid showing this season?

  16. Ollie says:

    @ Hannah: Torres got close, obviously, but the two form forwards are clearly Drogba and Van Persie – I don’t think anyone can argue against that.

    @ Alex: Classic hindsightism. You’re the sort of fan who changes your mind after one game. What, because Given conceded three v Burnley, that means he’s not having a good season!? Absolute nonsense – you don’t know what you’re talking about. And because Liverpool are having a below-par season, NONE of their players can be playing well… hmmm, really? As for Rooney, see my comment to Hannah.

  17. megaman789 says:

    Well I think we can argue that Torres has been better this season than either Drogs and van Persie.

  18. Ollie says:

    @ Mega: Yeah, of course you’re free to argue it. You’d be wrong, but you can try ;)

  19. […] I posted my Premier League Team of the Season (so far). Today it’s the turn of the flops (this isn’t rocket science): ◄ Back […]

  20. nicko says:

    Johnson???? ARe you kidding, he can’t defend!

  21. Aidan says:

    Well rather than trying to argue that torres should be in there with words, how about stats
    top league scorers this season
    1 torres 10
    2 drogba 9
    6 van persie 7
    this is despite torres having missed a couple of games with injury, the stats speak for themselves

  22. Aidan says:

    just had a quick look at appearances, torres has had 10, van persie 11 and drogba 12, so despite having had less appearances than either of the two who made the team, he has still scored more goals than them, another factor to take into account is that most of Torres goals this season have been at crucial times and have allowed Liverpool to draw or win games, lets see if u can argue against that Ollie

  23. Alex says:

    you may want to factor in assists too

  24. anonymous says:

    Surely you have to weigh up assists as well as goals for the strikers. I admit that Torres has been in fantastic form but RvP has scored goals and assisted a lot more than Torres or Drogba.

  25. Craig says:

    As much as i dislike the fella, Darren Bent has been in great form this season.

    Or maybe add ‘Red Beachball’ on the subs bench?!

  26. jaas says:

    is dis a joke ? shay given ?

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