World Cup Photos: Portugal 7–0 North Korea

Paul Sorene

21st, June 2010


Paul Sorene

TO the people of the DPRK we say hearty congratulations as the Portuguese anti-Japanese revolutionary martyrs score seven goals on the occasion of the 46th anniversary of General Secretary Kim Jong Il’s start of work at the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea. Let this be the start of ongoing and fruitful relations between Portugal and the DPRK for millennia. Tonight a parade by the National Council for the Promotion of the Reunification by Federal Pomade, the Solidarity for 5-4-1 and the People’s Solidarity for the Repeal of the “National Security Law”, aka Ronaldo’s Step-Over Cha-Cha-Cha…


Picture 6 of 12

Portugal fans cheer on their side in the stands

Posted in Miscellaneous, Photos, World Cup

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  1. Jorge says:

    Ronaldo should have an extra set of balls just for the fans…

  2. […] [World Cup Photos: Portugal 7 – 0 North Korea – Who Ate All The Pies] Share this on del.icio.usDigg this!Share this on RedditStumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponPost this to MySpaceShare this on FacebookTweet This! ———–Should Internet Friends Stay Virtual?———– Leave a Comment Subscribe to RSS Focusing on Different Balls During the World Cup ( Uncoached ) The Inner Monologue of a Gold Digger on Her Wedding Night to a 90 Year Old Millionaire ( ) How to Impress Women With Your iPhone ( ) 25 Chicks in Granny Panties ( ) The Best Place for a Vuvuzela… [Photo] ( COED Magazine ) Funtasticus Links ( Humor & Fun Blog ) if(top.location.href != window.location.href){bmnLookup(top.location.href);}else{bmnLookup(window.location.href);} if(typeof(cachebuster) == "undefined"){var cachebuster = Math.floor(Math.random()*10000000000)} if(typeof(dcopt) == "undefined"){var dcopt = ";dcopt=ist"} else {var dcopt = ""} if(typeof(tile) == "undefined"){var tile = 1} else {tile++} document.write(''); […]

  3. Deckard says:

    If Ron weren’t a famous footballer, chicks would think he’s far too gay-ish. Which chick in their right mind would proudly walk hand in hand with a dude who happily lets pics being taken of him with a pink rose in his hair.

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