16 Photos Of The Young Frank Lampard: England’s Latest Centurion

Chris Wright

10th, September 2013


By Chris Wright

As you’re probably well aware by now, Frank Lampard, now 35, is on the very cusp of becoming England’s latest centurion as and when he picks up his 1ooth cap against Ukraine in Kiev tonight, joining Peter Shilton (125 caps), David Beckham (115), Bobby Moore (108), Bobby Charlton (106), Billy Wright (105), Ashley Cole (104) and Steven Gerrard (104) in the Hundred Club.

Incidentally, after tonight Roy Hodgson will also become the only England manager to have both anointed and fielded three centurions.

Anyway, to mark Lampard’s momentous achievement, we thought we’d have a little look back to where it all began for the midfield stalwart: the puppy fat, the perpetually protruding tongue, the wet-look hair gel, the identical penalty kicks: as we take in his early international years in photographic form…

(Before you start: yes, we’re well aware this gallery format is clunky and therefore we try to use it as little as possible for your convenience. Unfortunately, we couldn’t use any other format for these images)


Picture 4 of 16

Frank Lampard and his proud, patriotic chin line up for England U21 against France, 1999

(Photos: PA)

Posted in Featured, International football, Photos

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  1. thekaratesuit says:

    this gallery format really is naff. press next, and you’re took back to the top of screen, but you have to wait a few microseconds before you can scroll back down again… what a nuisance.

  2. One Man Went to Mow says:

    Lampard has to be the only player who looks younger and healthier now, when he is about to make his 100th appearance than he did when he made his debut!

  3. Glenn says:

    How could you “not use any other format”? Just have the pictures in full size one after the other down the page. Have you tried using the gallery on a phone? Might probably be a case of every time someone clicks “next” on the gallery and the page is reloaded, thus get’s another ‘hit’ and the adverts generate more money

    • Chris says:

      @Glenn: That’s precisely why we have to use them from time to time. I personally try to use thumbnails/full-sized images on one page as often as I possibly can because I get that this format is clunky and frustrating.

      As I said before – Pies is currently in the process of being totally overhauled “behind the scenes” and we will FINALLY have a new, slick gallery format when it’s completed.

  4. Joe says:

    “after tonight Roy Hodgson will also become the only England manager to have both anointed and fielded three centurions.”

    Speaks volumes about the lack of options England have had in the last ten years. Three centurions from the same generation? As great(ish) as Gerrard, Cole & Lampard have been, someone should’ve been snapping at their heels in the latter part of their international careers.

  5. Joe says:

    @ Glenn

    Sshhh! You’ll give the game away!

  6. Peters says:

    Photo 15 is quite… disturbing but boys will be boys, right?

  7. carl says:

    People have moaned about the terrible galleries for years. I think they toyed with something new a few months back. No idea what happpened to that though.

    A page of thumbnails would be great, then you just click the image you want and it opens up with a blacked out page around it, with the option to click left or right to scroll through. It seems pretty much the standard for most sites these days.

    • Chris says:

      @Carl: Believe me, it’s something I’ve been pushing for for a long, long time (people always complain about the galleries and I understand the frustration) but, for a variety or reasons, they’ve never come about but, after a few ill-fated attempts over the past couple of years, Pies is currently in the process of being totally overhauled “behind the scenes” and we will have a new, slick gallery format when it’s completed.


  8. Jarren says:

    Good news, Chris. Thanks for the update and your honesty.

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