Exclusive Photo Gallery: Arsenal Train At The Emirates, Fabregas Too

Ollie Irish

5th, August 2010


By Ollie Irish

An open training day at the Emirates, starring… you know who:


Picture 4 of 17

If Fabregas stays and Van Persie stays fit (for at least 75% of the campaign), Arsenal can win the league. But if either of those things fails to happen, I very much doubt they can.

Posted in Arsenal, Featured, Photos

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  1. Kipmonster says:

    I propose that Arsenal fans World wide post letters once a week for the next four weeks to UEFA & FIFA complaining about Barcelona FC’s ‘tapping up’ of Cesc Fabregas. Also post a letter just once to Arsenal FC requesting that they formally complain to UEFA & FIFA. I have drawn up 3 template letters that I will email to willing participants. All you need to do is type in your own Name & Address before printing off & posting. Momentum will be boosted by you forwarding the email to every one of your Arsenal FC fan family & friends, encouraging them to participate.
    Please see …. http://www.goonerettesonline.co.uk/452/other/an-overview-of-the-cesc-saga-time-for-the-fans-to-bite-back/#more-452
    The aim of repetitive letters is to create an Admin headache for UEFA & FIFA with thousands of letters received from all over the world & display the strength of feeling from Arsenal FC fans. The purpose of the single letter to Arsenal FC is again to display the strength of feeling from us fans.
    My email address for this campaign from where I will email you the letter templates is …….. ArsenalFansHateBarcelonaFC@gmail.com

  2. J says:

    OMG OMG, is RVP taking the 10 shirt?

    If so, finally a decent heir of Bergkamp’s shirt.

  3. Michael says:

    I have this AWFUL feeling that there will be NO new goalkeeper

  4. Mugisha says:

    no goalkeeper, no silverware

  5. Diane says:

    Diane Lancaster
    26 Belvoir Close.
    Oakley Rise,

    Great to see Cesc back in training with Robin today and the rest of the first team.Cesc look very happy and l am so glad he has decided to stay a gunner.l think it”s a disgrace the way Barca have been behaving I am so pleased to here you are going to write to Arsenal

  6. AmericaTheBeautiful says:

    Oh well, one more season of dreary weather, no trophies, opponents trying to break your legs on purpose for Fabregas. Could have been very different if he was a little more forceful in his desire to leave. Fabregas is too nice of a guy unfortunately and will suffer for it.

    BTW, Arsenal fans, don’t be mad at Barca. Every club, with the possible exception of Real, is a feeder club. Man Yoo are a feeder club to Real. French clubs are feeder clubs to Arsenal, and you are a feeder club to Barcelona. Accept it and move on.

  7. Kc says:

    I have a strange feeling that Almunia will make all of us eat our words this season. He appears stangely calm during the Emirates Cup, no panic flapping.!!!!!!!

  8. deckard says:

    if i were a chick or gay i’d prolly wouldn’t be attracted to cesc cos despite the tats and the hair, he’s just so f*cking short.

    i don’t agree that even if rvp and cesc stay fit the whole campaign that arsenal can win the league. their midfield, apart from cesc of course, lacks quality to that of sides like chelsea for example. i myself have no faith in almunia not f*cking up sooner or later so they will be f*cked unless wenger, for once, invests in a quality keeper. not some f*cking u-19 french keeper, no a proven guy like stekelenburg or neuer.

    don’t be a melodramatic biatch. in 10 yrs there was overmars, petit, henry, and the cesc saga. hardly a feeder club.

  9. Anonymous says:


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