Genoa goalkeeper Mattia Perin believes Covid-19 was created in a lab

Ollie Irish

16th, October 2020

1 Comment

In an interview with Italian newspaper ‘La Repubblica’, Genoa goalkeeper Mattia Perin revealed that he thinks coronavirus was artificially created by humans. Okay, Mattia. Let’s just disregard the science that shows there’s almost no way that this could have happened.

“I remain convinced that everything was born in the laboratory and not from animal transmission,” Perin said, without expanding on why he believes this with such conviction. Perin at least has personal experience of the virus – he tested positive for it last month, but recovered quickly without displaying serious symptoms.

Perin, who comes from Latina in central Italy, seems like a bit of a dick. He has boasted before of his hometown’s fascist past, and insulted fans of rival club Frosinone.

But why should footballers be immune from some of the more idiotic tendencies shown by the general public during the pandemic. Every walk of life has its minority share of nutjobs, and Mattia proves that football is no different than any other profession.