World Cup 2010 Gallery: All 32 Home Shirts

Ollie Irish

11th, June 2010


By Ollie Irish

A handy guide to the home shirts being worn by each of the 32 World Cup nations in South Africa (in alphabetical order):


Picture 4 of 32


Your favourite? Germany’s is undeniably classy and I’m growing to like the French one too, even with its red slashes. The Dutch shirt is an all-time classic, of course, and the current Nike model gets it right. The same goes for Brazil.

Worst of the bunch? Australia’s training kit. Puma have messed up the Italy shirt too.

Posted in Featured, Kits & fashion, Photos, World Cup

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  1. trstra says:

    All Puma kits are ugly :SSS But i like Argentina, Germany and England.

  2. spectator says:

    i’m from australia, we’ve been panning ours ever since it was released. but to be fair, they had to do something to make it look different to brazil’s and i can understand why they take precedence.

    denmark’s oozes class, in fact all the nike kits are surprisingly good (except ours).

    italy’s is mental. i suppose it’s supposed to be a roman breastplate inspired deal, looks hideous.

  3. Ste says:

    I`m from Germany and I`m not happy with our shirt. It looks more like what you wear when you go sailing, with these 3 thin black-red-gold stripes, than going out to fight a world cup match.

    England has the best: pure and simple.

    (sorry for my english)

  4. Santi says:

    The mexican one is pretty sweet, as is the portugal one. Also love the England away. Don’t really see what people like in the Germany kit.

  5. Joe says:

    The last Dutch one was leagues better IMHO. This one’s a bit plain, though it works well with the black shorts, very Euro 2000.

  6. spectator says:

    upon reflection, i meant serbia, not denmark. although there’s is pretty good too.

  7. Dan says:

    Not orange enough! A bit plain too, but nice and simple.

  8. Joe says:

    Why do Italy have Darth Vader on the background of their shirt?

  9. Jackie says:

    I think US has a nice kit but I like the away version better. Ivory Coast has a very nice kit. Not a big fan of England’s- it just looks like a dressed up polo shirt.

  10. Tinez says:

    Honduras kit is total trash, but Argentina, England and South Africa have real class. Adidas haven’t gone far wrong. Puma have, although the Uruguay kit is very good.

  11. LittleLordFuantelroy says:

    its all good, you know what i’m saying?

  12. Pictures of every single World Cup 2010 Home Shirts…

    Pictures of every single World Cup 2010 Home Shirts as put together by They’ve got a picture gallery with all 32 teams kits to be worn for the World Cup 2010 being held in South Af……

  13. Marc says:

    The match-issue italy shirt isn’t nearly as bad as it would seem from the photos. The design is really subtle and is hardly noticeable, especially once you add in the numbering and holders patch. The design is unfortunately emphasized in the replica model.

  14. Luke says:

    Japan and, of course, Germany

  15. dojothecat says:

    ivory coast. u.s.a.’s is nice but agree that the away deal is better. ghana’s is cool too, netherlands great, the german away and mexico away kits are awesome. australia’s is lame but the away version is sharp. slovenia got f***ed with that charlie brown shoutout.

  16. Tom Jones says:

    Algeria – Nice one, except the grey fox up left.
    Holland – Good, have seen better Dutch shirts before though.
    New Zealand – Very, very good indeed.
    Nigeria – Decent, would have improved by changing the colour slightly.
    North Korea – Quite nice. Shame about the legea writing.
    Paraguay – Paraguayan home kits are always quite good. Would have benefited from having slimmer stripes though.
    Portugal – Quite good infact. Not the best colour clash though.
    Serbia – Decent, the cross doesn’t quite come off though.
    Slovakia – Good but nothing special.
    Slovenia – Different and quite good at that.
    South Africa – Could have been good with other colours. Green and yellow has to be the worst colour clash.
    South Korea – Quite good. Would have been very good withouth the background stuff
    Spain – Decent, nothing spectacular. Typical Spanish.
    Switzerland – Alright. Could be better.
    Uruguay – Why oh why ruin a perfect kit by putting in those suns? That it still looks alright says a lot about how it could have been.
    Mexico – Ok, too experimental.
    Japan – Ok should have stuck with one blue colour.
    Argentina – A classic. A brilliant kit. Only the colour change by the shoulders that’s not good about it.
    Australia – Looks like a t-shirt with bad colour combos.
    Brazil – Typical Brazil. Looks good as always.
    Cameroon – Would have been great without the stupid lion in the top left.
    Chile – Simple but solid.
    Denmark – Trying to look old school but not really making it.
    England – Not bad. Perhaps looking better on someone.
    France – Ok. Would have been better if the strips had gone all the way through and not been left out in the middle.
    Germany – Class kit. The gold line next to the black and red is hardly visible so probably should just have removed all of them.
    Ghana – Looks ok but the star is not good.
    Greece – Why ruin a good kit with those random stripes?
    Honduras – The Joma writing is too big other than that it’s not bad at all.
    Italy – How to ruin a perfectly good kit? Put some big mouth alien or whatever it is on it.
    Ivory Coast – The Elephant in the top left messes it up and the orange is not the best orange colour.
    USA – Would have looked good without the diagonal stripe. Would have looked decent with the diagonal stripe another colour. Now it just looks weird.

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