Top 10 European Home Kits For 2010-11

Ollie Irish

26th, August 2010


A few of our favourite home kits in Europe for the 2010-11 season:


Picture 4 of 10

St Etienne

Which one do you like best? Or let us know if we missed one of your favourites.

I’m a big fan of Sampdoria’s kit in general, but I think Kappa have done a great job with it this year.

Top 10 Third Kits For 2010-11

Posted in Bundesliga, Featured, Kits & fashion, La Liga, Photos, Serie A, Top 10s & lists

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  1. PhilandoTorres says:

    Barca and St. Etienne look fantastic. Inter’s looks like a crashed program on Windows 95.

  2. Montesquieu says:

    Sampadoria’s kit looks unchanged from the last few seasons.

  3. hcbrasil says:

    Yuck. Inter Milan one is bad. How is it in your top 10? Since when does pixelated look good?

    Barca always looks good. Ajax and Real this year are also classy.

    You are missing Chelsea in top 10. Love the red outlines. But I am very biased there :)

  4. Baggees says:

    I think barca’s kit is the dogs knackers. It’s just classic. It even has a sponsor you can appreciate. Some prem league strips look like they are being attacked by their logos … beloved WBA the main culprit!

  5. Dacia says:

    Inter is real old school.

  6. Joe says:

    Inter’s isjust horrible, though they get competition for the worst kit from their cohabitants at Meazza. Adidas managed to make the kit for one of their main clients (Milan) look infitely cheaper and more generic than their kits for lesser lights Ajax (whose sponsor logo kind of ruins things) and St. Etienne.

  7. jeff says:

    I love the Inter kit even if no one else does!

  8. Al Neri says:

    Sampdoria, classic as always. I like Man Utd home kit, it should be in top 10.

  9. onixkun says:

    barca beautiful.

  10. Miguel says:

    Barca’s, then Feyenoord’s.

  11. michael says:

    Definetly real madrid

  12. dnpma says:

    wheres the arsenal one? should be top spot!

  13. YEAH says:


  14. yahhhsteve says:

    Bayern’s shirt isn’t bad, but they look awful with the black socks they’re wearing this year.

  15. Baggees says:

    Message from my mate Motters “tell him
    He has missed Athletico Madrid home and away, go on tell him”..end of message

  16. Baggees says:

    I mean atletico not athletico. ..I’ll get my ultra-coat…

  17. QueerAsFuß says:

    Always like Roma’s kit.
    That’s a lovely colour combo with the imperial burgandy and gold they have.

    I really hate that new Bremen kit. Looked especially stupid in Champions league- looks kind of cool with the too shades of green. Of course Bremen also have the ugliest Bundesliga logo as well.

  18. Jeko says:

    Sampdoria, as usual, ever…

  19. Mexican Gooner says:

    Arsenal is the nicest! Should be in this top ten. Is so classy!

  20. Tom Jones says:

    Werder – ok but the white criss cross stripe looks poor.
    Barca – dull as fuck as usual.
    Milan – ruined by making the black on the sides bigger the further down they go.
    St Etienne – Class, real class.. That’s how a shirt should look like.
    Ajax – not bad, the aegon logo should have been a bit smaller though.
    Real Madrid – would have been good if not for the butt ugly bwin logo making it look shite.
    Bayern – good would have been great without the T logo or possibly even with a smaller logo.
    Inter – very, very good. The stripes looks a bit like a mirage though.
    Feyenoord – Very good it’s just lacking something to make it a top shirt.
    Samp – too much pressed onto one shirt. The ergmobile logo should have been ousted and the rst of it should have been moved down and it would have been much better.

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