The Top 10 Dirtiest Premier League Players

Ollie Irish

8th, October 2010


By Ollie Irish

This list is based as much on hard stats (fouls conceded and cards received) as subjective musing – so don’t shoot the messenger unless you really got beef.

In reverse order then, here are the ten dirtiest players in the Premier League so far this season:


Picture 5 of 10

6. John Carew (Aston Villa striker) - 14 fouls, 0 yellow cards, 0 yellow cards. Carew has managed to stay out of the ref's book thus far, but he commits a foul every 21 minutes he's on the pitch, making him the most persistent fouler in the Premier League.

Who did we miss? Agree/disagree with the order? As always, Pies thrives on your feedback…

PS. If you’re wondering what happened to the thumbnail gallery format, we haven’t ditched it. Far from it. For ordered lists, a clickthrough gallery makes much more sense, so for Top 10s and other lists, we’ll use that. But for all other pics – WAGs, match photos etc. – we’ll use thumbnails. Thanks for listening