Photos: Wolves 1-0 Tottenham – Spurs Embarrasingly Bad

Ollie Irish

11th, February 2010


By Ollie Irish

I don’t want to talk about this match, so just look at the photos and weep. Unless you’re a Wolves fan, in which case revel in your first double over a top-flight team since… a very long time (1980-81 to be precise).

Seriously though, Spurs were utterly wankbad (a new word) at Molineux, much as they were in the corresponding fixture at White Hart Lane earlier this season. No points from two games against a team managed by gritty Mick McCarthy? Arry, that is not good enough, at least not for the near-mythical fourth place.

I also have money on Wolves to go down. Grrr.

Photos from Molineux:


Picture 18 of 20

Adlene Guedioura, Wolverhampton Wanderers.

Posted in Photos, Tottenham Hotspur, Wolves

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  1. anon says:

    Is this the same gritty Wolves team that lost to Portsmouth at home?

  2. Ollie says:

    Yes, that’s the one.

  3. ABE says:

    This defeat is all due to Redknapp and his team selection. Our best team this season has probably been, Gomes, Akotto, Dawson, King, Corluka, Modric, Palacios, Huddlestone, Lennon, Defoe and Crouch.
    In defence King and Ekotto was not available – we are use to this – and Bassong and Bale have generally done well. But why on earth then also take Corluka out of defense. Instead of 2 changes to the defense, you have three. The worst is midfield. A total of 3 changes from our best midfield – of which only one was enforced (i.e Bentley for Lennon). What is worse then is that Bentley has just been starting to strike a relationship with Corluka but ol Harry changes it. And then another change up front. After the last couple of results, it was critical to play our best team – and the likes of Palacios, Corluka, Modric and Crouch should all have started. Finally, if one starts to look for poor performances this season, there will generally be 2 familiar guys. One is Keane and the other Jenas. When you see Jenas on the team sheet, you just know it will not be the same Spurs.

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