West Ham Put Entire Squad Up For Sale… Except Scott Parker

Ollie Irish

27th, April 2010


By Ollie Irish


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Check out Scott Parker. What a teacher’s pet he is! Every single one of his West Ham team-mates has been put up for sale – in theory at least – by co-owner David Sullivan.

“Other than Scott Parker, there is not a player we wouldn’t sell if it was the right bid,” Sullivan said. “Scott will not be sold and we will be buying more than we are selling. There will be no fire-selling and we will enhance the squad, not diminish it.”

It’s a resounding endorsement for Parker – who is West Ham’s most valuable player – but how must his team-mates feel? Sullivan clearly doesn’t understand man-management or what it takes to motivate a bunch of professional players. Singling out a player in this way is plain stupid, if only because it may breed resentment towards West Ham’s best player – but coming from Sullivan, it hardly surprises me.

If you were to put up your team’s players for sale, which one would you make an exception for? As a Spurs fan, I’d keep hold of Luka Modric. Or Gareth Bale. I can’t decide.