Raul Meireles: The Evolution Of A Hipster Style Icon (Photos)

Chris Wright

1st, April 2015


By Chris Wright

Raul Meireles: the evolution of a hipster style icon – in photo form.

From his first experiments with bold chequerboard prints and a full head of hair, right the way through to the leather-clad, tattooed, jeggings-wearing neo-dork you see before you this very day.








Remember: The couple that outfits together, stays together…




Castro, jogador do F C Porto, casou-se com Joana Melo

“Oh hi, I own a small pop-up store in Shoreditch where I only sell polaroids of my balls”




And the final evolution (to date): the addition of wheels…


“I’d cry for you, but my gentleman’s mascara is far too expensive” – Raul Meireles

Suggested further reading…

Fashion God: Emmanuel Adebayor’s 15 Step Style Guide For The New Season

Posted in Featured, Kits & fashion, Newsnow, Photos

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Is a “leg sleeve” a trouser?

  2. Neil #2 says:

    Hipster? I guess. The beard and mohawk look a bit ridiculous to me.

  3. Ron says:

    What a fucking clown. Look at him in the first photo – a regular dude. Look at him now, a walking fucking joke. What is wrong with being classy?

    When did “fashionable” become:
    1) wearing fake eyeglasses
    2) getting as many shitty tattoos as possible
    3) wearing suspenders

    It’s a fucking joke. It’s like most humans are in a race to the bottom. Let me see how ridiculous I can look! At least someone will retweet the photo I took of myself. They’re laughing at me? So?

    I like looking nice. I’m happy with my own like. But, I’m increasingly tired of being surrounded by assholes. This guy is surely one of them. Fuck off.

    • Ron says:

      Thank you for the advice but, I get plenty of exercise and enjoy a few beers as well. But, it ain’t helping.

      I’m all for snazzy dressing, I just am royally pissed that the current “style” is to look like you’re dressed up for Halloween.

      To me it’s kind of like seeing someone in a Maserati in the drive-through line at McDonald’s. If you’re that fucking rich, buy some decent food.

      If you’re a world class athlete with talent and money…why dress like an asshole art school dropout? Have some self-respect. Obviously this jerk relishes looking as “edgy” as possible, but I’m not about to pretend that looking as stupid as your money can allow is someone unique, cool, or distinctive. He’s just a run of the mill jackass, who happens to be a pro-footballer.

  4. Pete says:

    Ron maybe have a beer or go for a jog to release some tension? Just a thought.

  5. Lady B says:

    That beard makes him look like a hobo :/ He’s not unattractive in the first 4 pictures, if you like the tattooed sort, but the dead rat mohawk and the beard and the ridiculous outfits? Nope. Now I snort-laugh every time I see the dude

    • ron says:

      Compare photo #1 to the recent photos. Does he look anywhere near the same? Nope. That means he’s not being genuine. It means he’s been watching the NBA on the international channel and has seen that shitty tattoos, stupid beards, and absurd clothing are “in.”

      I call it being completely unoriginal and a bandwagon dipshit.

  6. Jarren says:

    Give the guy a break, at least he’s distinctive.

    I don’t think he’s being hipster for the sake of it, I think he genuinely IS one.

    People forget that. Just because the whole “hipster” thing become, er, hip, everyone thinks it’s all fake.

    He always reminds me of Travis Bickle, only a bit less likely to shoot you.

  7. Ewan G says:

    Despite all this I think he’s actually a decent player

  8. Fat Nakago says:

    And despite it all, he still smashes every ball into row Z.

  9. ToonArmyTX says:

    Dear Ron, I have a full beard, I listen to music no one else does, I wear skinny jeans and band shirts and have full tattoo sleeves and others as well. I nerd out about craft beer and good whiskey, I support local music and businesses… in short I am the very definition of what is being called here “hipster”. I’m also a decent human being who has a full time management job and wears suit and tie when appropriate and treats everyone else around me with respect and does what I can to enjoy myself and be a goo dude. So why don’t you find some jaws of life and remove the ships mast from your arse. What an unpleasant person you are

  10. Chris says:

    Ron sounds like a bully. The worst type of people on the internet. Live your own life, dickhead and stop crying about what other people look like.

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