The Arsenal-Chelsea-Man Utd Best XI

Ollie Irish

17th, March 2010


By Ollie Irish

With three clubs neck and neck in the Premier League title race this season, I thought it would be interesting to come up with a composite Best XI selected from the squads of Arsenal, Chelsea and Man Utd (NOTE: The selection is based only on this season’s form).

After you’ve checked out our team below, please add your own XIs.


Picture 4 of 12

Thomas Vermaelen, Arsenal

There you go. Five Chelsea players, four Man Utd players and a couple of Arsenal stars. Agree/disagree? Let’s have it…

Posted in Arsenal, Chelsea, Featured, Man Utd, Top 10s & lists

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  1. Ashley says:

    Areshavin over Valencia surely. he had a lean month prior to his injury, but overall he has been sensational this season

  2. Dhanush says:

    with no disrespect to evra…surely ashley cole has been the better left back this season

  3. mizman says:

    dont know why people think ashley cole is better than little patty evra. Evra is the best left back in the world by a mile.

    no vidic or Arshavin? dear, oh dear.

  4. Luke Rowe says:

    So, you’re being controversial? no Rio or Carvalho?.. I didn’t bother looking at the rest.. you literally picked the worst centre back pairing

    Not a serious piece, a spoof.. or if it is serious, an embarrassment

  5. Jonathan Adams says:

    I went for:

    Sanga Terry Vermalen Evra

    Fletcher Fabregas Ballack Valencia

    Rooney Drogba

    My team is based on pace and Goals.

  6. Jonathan Adams says:

    No 4 Rio has done nothing this season as he has ben injured so he cant be in the top 11, Carvalio i can make a case for but i chose Terry for his hard work and leadership

  7. Ollie says:

    @ Luke. You are a bit of a cunt, aren’t you. You believe what the big boys tell you down the pub. Or what Jamie Redknapp thinks. Bless.

    The XI is based on form THIS season. Rio has been out for much of it, so you’ve displayed your utter football ignorance on that score. Carvalho? He’s done alright, but not as well as Terry (who I hate but who I concede was awesome for the first two thirds of the campaign and has only recently lost form) or Vermaelen, who has made some mistakes, yes, but overall he’s been a revelation in his debut Prem season.

    Now fuck off and don’t come back. Thanks.

  8. RIK says:


  9. Chringle says:

    I went for:

    GK Cech
    RB Ivanovic (one of the most underrated players in the Prem)
    CB Vidic
    CB Terry
    LB Ashley Cole (best form in a Chelsea shirt until the injury)
    RM Valencia (shaping up as a first rate winger)
    CM Fabregas
    CM Fletcher
    LM Malouda (Arshavin’s a better player, but Malouda’s form has been more consistent)
    CF Drogba
    CF Rooney

  10. Luke Rowe says:

    charming blog..

    nice grown up response.. I take you’re Rio comment, fair enough. but the Terry thing is an embarrassment.

    I wont come back sure, you’re fairly corrupt in the way you skew peoples comments.

  11. trt says:

    What is Lampsy doing here?

  12. R Hops says:


    Sagna Vermaelen Terry Evra

    Arshavin Fabregas Lampard Fletcher

    Rooney Drogba

    Subs: Van Der Sar, Vidic, A. Cole, Giggs, Anelka, Malouda, Berbatov

  13. Ollie says:

    @ Luke – Ok, you got me at a bad moment, so sorry for being a tad aggressive. But to say I picked literally the worst centre-back pairing, then cite a player who has hardly played all season, is frankly absurd.

    And to call Terry’s form an embarrassment is only an embarrassment to yourself – it’s classic tabloid-fed short-termism. “Oh, JT’s been shit in his last few games, therefore he’s been shit all season.” You couldn’t be further from the truth – Terry was the proverbial rock until February, in quite outstanding form. Go back and watch him if you don’t believe me.


  14. Chavez says:

    GK – Cech
    RB – Sagna
    LB – Cole
    CB – Terry
    CB – Vermaelen
    CM – Fabregas
    CM – Essien
    LW – Arshavin
    RW – Valencia
    St – Rooney
    St – Drogba

  15. Luke Rowe says:

    I never said Terry’s FORM was an embarrassment, I think Terry’s an embarrassment… great against the Stoke but will let you down against Brazil or Spain, when those nippy talented skillfull footballers will show him up.. Terry is nothing without Carvahlho or Rio..

    He has a talent, his strength is valuable, and I sincerely believe that he should partner Rio in England’s defence, which says more about Englands defence than his defensive quality.
    His recent off pitch shenanigans have only highlighted the mistakes he always makes..

    And with this team, I could pick a Arsenal/Man City/Liverpool team that would take it apart…. Lampard! ha ha!

    P.S. Do you always alter peoples comments when you don’t like them? I think that aint cool, you either allow the comment or not, but to stick an insult about the size of my penis (I actually have a big dick)on the end maybe says that you shouldn’t be moderating comments.

  16. Ollie says:

    @ Luke – enough fawning, you have proved yourself to be a humourless dickface. Surely Terry’s form is the only creterion for such a list?

    As for Lampard, he has 12 league goals and loads of assists. So consistent, season after season, yet knocked by one-eyed fans (like you).

    Your PS only confirms my first thought. You’re a cretin (note the spelling of ‘You’re’) with a tenuous grasp of English and few opinions of your own. But don’t stop commenting. I like a laugh.

  17. Luke Rowe says:

    I’m not the one completely losing my cool, to the point where I doctor peoples comments, accuse them of listening to Jamie Redknapp (a heinous crime), call them a cunt, or tell them to fuck off and then say they have a micro penis (by altering my own comment). Really desperate with the criticism of my spelling as well.

    You support Lampard, go ahead.. you certainly cannot be accused of not having a laugh.

    P.S. Thanks for removing the offending remark you included in my original comment that I didn’t make by the way.. that’s what really pissed me off (not really ethical is it?)

    P.P.S. Your Mum

  18. Wes Feeney says:

    This is what i came up with
    Mannone(because lets face it all the #1 keeper have been shit this season)

  19. Wes Feeney says:

    Never mind with Lampard because Song has really been Arsenal’s rock.

  20. kritter says:


    Sagna-Vidic-Vidic jr (Verm)-Cole



  21. kritter says:

    Actually, I might even put Song in the center with Fab instead of Lampard. They pair nicely, Song has turned into a right beast in the mix of things.

  22. Ollie UDickhead says:


    Ivanov – Terry – Vermelaleon – Evra
    Valencia – Song – Fabregas – Malouda
    Drogba – Rooney

  23. Elvis says:

    No idea about the fantasy team selection but I’d pick the boy Luke Rowe
    over that tosser Ollie any day. Did I mention my massive dong?

  24. Daver says:

    OK idiots, you all forgot about Michael Owen

  25. Luke Rowe says:

    I think with me and Elvis having massive dongs and the fact that Ollie IS a massive dong means that we should be discussing a massive dong XI

  26. Finlay Hamilton aka Fat Bastard 47 says:


    Belleti Senderos W.Brown Traore

    Eboue Anderson Mikel Nani

    Vela Owen

  27. Calum says:


    You and your articles are the best and wholly representative of the debate, fun and humour football creates for true fans, not pretentious nitpicking fools like Luke and his posse who spend their day carping on about trivial details and ultimately pissing of those that seek to enjoy football not moan like baby-back bitches.


  28. fourstar says:

    When they prove everyone wrong and win the league, the best XI will be the Arsenal team…

    …OK I’m kidding.

    Having looked at it, I completely agree with Chavez in comment #14:

    GK – Cech
    RB – Sagna
    LB – Cole
    CB – Terry
    CB – Vermaelen
    CM – Fabregas
    CM – Essien
    LW – Arshavin
    RW – Valencia
    ST – Rooney
    ST – Drogba

    Well done.

  29. Christoff says:

    All spot on although i’d swap Lamps with Milner & possibly Vermaelan with Dunne

  30. Simon says:

    I wish people could have grown up discussions on football websites. People telling other people they’re cunts and they should fuck off (from their own blog!) and others posting fake I won’t come back threats is a bit immature to say the least.

    An argument in my opinion is more constructive if you first work out what you agree on and then discuss the differences, not in the way it has been here.

    Ollie – on form over this season your team is similar to what mine would be. I think putting that this was on form this season in the initial post may have saved some of the reactions above!

    I wouldn’t have Cech in there. It’s my opinion that he hasn’t been the same dominating presence since Stephen *unt did him in. He makes mistakes that stem from indecision and that’s never good for a defence. I’d put Van Der Sar in despite how little he’s played, basically by default (I don’t think any of the Arsenal keepers have made a case for themselves!)

  31. Ollie says:

    @ Simon – You’re right of course. But you can imagine how incredibly frustrating it is when people come on here and basically say “You’re shit” without any counter-argument of their own.

    The point is, Pies is a non-club specific blog, which makes it incredibly hard to please everyone all the time. And I detest the tribal bullshit that surrounds the game. Love the game though.

  32. Anonymous says:

    essien hasn’t played enough football this season. quality player but blighted by injury. after last seasons performances i really expected arshavin to kick on this season but i think he’s been underwhelming although i suspect my expectations were too high for him. Lampard has obtained good stats this season despite himself. I haven’t been that impressed with him but just goes to show his quality if off form he still notches up the goals/assists. i’d go with:-
    GK Cech
    LB Cole
    RB Ivanovic
    CB Terry
    CB Vermaelen
    RW Valencia
    LW Giggs
    CM Fabregas
    CM Fletcher
    ST Drogba
    ST Rooney

  33. Christoff says:

    just realised my mistake haha, this is arsenal – chelsea & man utd, in that case the line up is spot on :$

  34. Ben says:

    how much you wanna bet that Luke post up the comments sayin’ we support Luke

  35. Ben says:

    Ivanovic-Terry-Brown (underrated imo)-Cole
    Arshavin Rooney

  36. Marco says:


    you’ve got rocks in your head…..he is shite

    Malouda and Arshavin should be in

    Sagna over Ivanovic

  37. lew says:

    right i dont even know what you guys are winging about but i dont even think some of this seasons best players have been within the top 3, people like milner have been spot on this season

    fuck the top 3, on this seasons form id have

    GK Hart
    RB Sagna
    CB Vermaelen
    CB Dunne
    LB Evra
    RM Valencia
    CM Fabregas
    CM Lampard(i know not at his best but still notching up his stats)
    LM Milner
    ST Rooney
    ST Drogba

    the strikeforce really picks itself aha

  38. Conan says:


    GK Cech
    RB Ivanovic
    CB Vermaelen
    CB Vidic
    LB Evra
    RM Valencia
    DM Fletcher
    OM Lampard
    LM Arshavin
    CF Rooney
    CF Drogba

    Based on 442

    My personal team would be

    GK Van Der Sar
    RB Ivanovic
    CB Rio
    CB Terry
    LB Evra
    RM Valencia
    DM Essien
    CM Fabregas
    OM Schoals
    LM Arshavin
    CF Rooney

  39. Conan says:

    based on 451

  40. Prof says:

    You are a bias Chelsea supporter

  41. Joao says:

    how can so many people forget RVP?

  42. Prof says:

    Who will be the manager? Probably Ancelloti even though he hasn’t proved himself in the EPL

  43. Jelly Bean says:

    Arshavin really deserves to be on this list. Not sure about Ivanovic or Lamps (you might accuse me of anti-Chelsea bias there, and maybe you’d be right!!).

    Good luck picking a keeper out of those 3 teams! Personally I agree with the comment about van der Saar – he’s not played enough this season to embarrass himself.

  44. […] week we published our Best XI comprised of the top three Premier League sides (check it out here). Today we focus on the quartet of clubs that are the main contenders for fourth place: Villa, […]

  45. alex says:

    idk about cech, he’s kind of the reason chelsea are behind in the title race now… if he took off that stupid helmet then maybe he could dive post side and not be so scared.

  46. dawood says:

    were’s van persie ???

  47. kritter says:

    Van der Sar

    ‘Vonovic Vermaelen Vidic ‘Vra

    Valencia Vletcher Vabregas Vieira

    Van Persie Vela

    See what I’ve done there, see?

  48. Louwrens says:

    I like to think that those pictures in the last pic are their sex faces.
    Ho, ho.

  49. zed says:

    Sagna in for Ivanovich
    Song in for Fletcher…
    But i’m an Arsenal supporter so I may be slightly biased.

  50. sylvain says:

    where the heck is alex song. only most consistent defensive midfielder this season. feltcher has nowhere played as good as song this season. arshavin has been way better than valencia lampard shouldn’t be in tjis line up. malouda should.

  51. Mosh says:

    U lot r crazy

    GK – van der sar
    RB – sagna
    CB – Varmaelen
    CB – vidic
    LB – evra
    RM – Valencia
    CM – fabregas
    CM – fletcher
    LM – Arshavin
    CF – Rooney
    CF – Drogba

  52. Ryan says:

    Ugliest team ever, get Nev in there

  53. wasim says:

    GK – van der sar
    RB – sanga
    CB – terry
    CB – vermaelen
    LB – evra
    RM – valencia
    DM – song
    CM – cesc
    LM – malouda
    CF – rooney
    CF – drogba

  54. Nike says:

    GK Van Der Sar
    RB Neville
    CB Ferdinand
    CB Vidic
    LB Evra
    RM Valencia
    CM Fletcher
    CM Fabregas
    LM Nani
    CF Rooney
    CF Drogba

  55. Jonathan says:

    GK – Edwin van der Sar
    RB – Branislav Ivanovic
    CB – John Terry
    CB – Thomas Vermaelen
    LB – Yuri Zhirkov
    CM – Cesc Fabregas
    RM – Antonio Valencia
    LM – Florent Malouda
    CAM – Frank Lampard
    RF – Wayne Rooney
    LF – Didier Drogba

  56. Kasra says:

    GK-Edwin Van der Saar
    RB- Bacary Sagna
    CB-John Terry
    CB-Thomas Vermaelen
    LB-Patrick Evra
    DCM-Micheal Essien
    CM-Cesc Fabregas
    CM-Samir Nasri
    LS-Didier Drogba
    ST-Wayne Rooney
    RS-Robin Van Persie

  57. Anonymous says:

    Right, the correct answer is:

    Van Der Saar




  58. Varun says:

    Ivanovic – Terry (C) – Vidic- Cole
    Nani – Lampard – Cesc – Malouda
    Rooney – Drogba

  59. Anonymous says:

    Right, speaking as an Arsenal fan, even I wouldn’t put choose that many gunners.

    GK: Cech
    RB: Ivanovic
    RCB: Vidic
    LCB: Vermaelen
    LB: Evra
    RM: Valencia
    RCM: Fabregas
    LCM: Lampard
    LM: Malouda
    RS: Rooney
    LS: Drogba

    Subs: Van de Sar; Terry, Cole; Song, Arshavin; Anelka, Van Persie

    Nani sucks.

  60. Main Man U Fan says:

    Vander Sar

    Subs: Cech, Ferdinand, Cole, Fletcher, Nani, Arshavin, Essien.


  61. antz says:


    Sagna Vidic Terry Cole


    Arshavin Gerrard


    Drogba Rooney

  62. antz says:

    incl. Lpool too! (gerrard)

  63. Sam says:

    GK cech
    RB ivanovic
    CB vidic
    CB Vermaelan
    LB Evra
    RM nasri
    CM essien
    cm fabregas
    lm arshavin
    st rooney
    st drogba

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